Youngsters are welcome to come climbing at alien rock provided they conform to the conditions below.
Children aged 7 years or under are able to use alien rock when they are directly and closely supervised by a parent/guardian and the parent has the appropriate knowledge of climbing to do this safely. They may also be supervised by an alien rock approved climbing instructor within a taster session or or during private instruction. Note: instructor must be pre - booked. All children within a birthday party must be 8 or over.
From the age of 8 years and over children can either be closely supervised by an experienced parent/guardian as above or be supervised by an alien rock approved climbing instructor. Note: instructor must be pre - booked.
From the age of 14 years and over experienced youngsters may use the centre unsupervised, see below.
Those between 14 and 17 who wish to climb unsupervised must fill in the digital registration on our premises with their parent or Guardian present. The youngster will then be assessed by an alien rock staff member.
Parents that require training to gain an appropriate knowledge of climbing should consider an alien rock adult beginners course, or parents belaying course.
Note maximum of 2 youngsters per closely supervising adult.
Places are limited for kids club and must be booked in advance through alien rock tel:- 0131 552 7211
Youngsters 8 and over are welcome to come climbing at alien bloc provided they conform to the conditions below.
Each adult can only closely supervise a maximum of two children.
Unfortunately for safety reasons we cannot allow children under 8 onto any of the matted areas at anytime, no matter if their parents are members or not. Please consider using alien rock as an alternative.
Youngsters 8 and over are welcome to come climbing at alien bloc provided they conform to the conditions below.
From the age of 14 years and over experienced youngsters may use the centre unsupervised, see below.
Those between 14 and 17 who wish to climb unsupervised must fill in the digital registration on our premises with their parent or Guardian present. The youngster will then be assessed by an alien bloc staff member.
Monday to Friday.
Groups may pre book and use alien bloc until 6pm.
Saturday and Sundays, groups may use alien bloc until 2pm.
All groups of children must be supervised at a ratio of 1 adult to 2 children unless being supervised by a qualified and insured instructor where the maximum ratio permitted will be 1:9.
Please phone before bringing any groups.
All bookings must be made through alien rock . telephone 0131 552 7211
The easiest way for kids to try climbing at alien rock is taking part in our kids club sessions or having a go in a taster session.
We now offer training and assessment for NICAS
(National Indoor Climbing Achievement
The National Indoor Climbing Achievement
Scheme is a UK wide scheme designed to promote climbing development and accredit individual achievement on artificial climbing structures. It can be used as a starting point for people wishing to take up climbing and mountaineering. It is open to all candidates aged 7 and upwards.
See the NICAS site for more details.
For those kids doing level 3 check out this link "Grit Kids" by NICAS and Hotaches.
Suitable for individual kids aged 8 or over. Tuition is given in small groups with a maximum ratio of six kids per instructor. Kids are taught how to climb and look after themselves and others in an exciting, energetic environment.
Sessions run most Saturday and Sunday mornings.
These are usually extremely popular so please book well in advance to avoid the chance of your child being disappointed at the last minute.
All children who wish to attend our kids club must initially complete our 4 week introduction to kids club sessions.
To save time on arrival please download, print out and fill in a Parental consent form.
Introduction to kids club is £67.50, to cover the first 4 session introductory course. This includes a one off additional cost of registration in the National indoor climbing achievement scheme NICAS and all equipment.
The cost per session will be as follows.
£15.00 including all equipment if required.
Kids club must be booked in advance by telephone on 0131 552 7211
We are listed on:
which is an easy to use website for finding places to visit with your family all over the UK. Searchable by age of kids, county, town, postcode and indoor or outdoor attraction.
alien rock, 8 Pier Place, Edinburgh, EH6 4LP
vat registration number 634 842 921
For all bookings telephone 0131 552 7211, enquiries email us at